July 31, 2010

Today is THE day!!!

So, I'm totally filled with all sorts of emotions right now! It probably doesn't help that my hormones are going crazy too! But, I'm super excited, super nervous and anxious and happy and nervous (did I mention that already?). Well, I'll be glad and probably exhausted when this whole labor and delivery is over, but I can't wait!!! Jacob and I are so excited! Anyways, I just wanted to post my last prego pic (at least for this pregnancy). Here I am at 40 weeks and 6 days...

July 13, 2010

38 Weeks and Counting...

Well, I am at 38 weeks and 2 days now! Yay! I'm so excited and ready for this baby to be here! I thought I should post a new picture of me since I look like I blew up over night!

I know...you're probably thinking I have a basketball underneath there. It looks like it! And she sure does bounce around like a basketball!!!

But, I am enjoying the pregnancy, but of course I'm ready for her to be here! And Jacob is too! We'll keep you posted!