August 19, 2011

Family Photos

It seems like we just did this, but it's been over a year since we took family photos. And with Kori now being here, I thought it was about time. Of course, Jacob thinks otherwise, but I am bound and determined to take updated family pics at least once a year. So we had our friend take some pics of us and they turned out great. I love the way they came out and hopefully you do too! Here are our family pics and also Kori's One Year Pics!!

Beach Baby!

So, lately since Jacob has been working Monday thru Thursday I have found myself with a lot of extra time...and what better way to spend that time than by going to the beach! I've been going a lot with my sisters and it has been really fun. And you know what I discovered? Kori loves the beach and the water!! Yay!!!! I am so happy she loves it! As soon as she sees the water she tries to go in it. And she wants to keep crawling into it. It's great, but also a little scary at the same time. :o

Here's some pics of her enjoying her time at the beach on different occasions...


Here's is a cute video of Kori and her cousins. Koa and Elizabeth were burying her legs and she was loving it!

Here's some more when Daddy was able to come one day...


The last time we went I had to get a video of Kori playing in the water. She absolutely loves the water. Enjoy!

August 7, 2011

Celebrating everything, Kori!

On August 1st, our little Kori Isabelle Solis turned One Year Old! Can you believe it??? And of course, the proud father had to be with his beautiful daughter on her birthday, so we all went up with him for the week to Stateline to do so. I'm glad we were able to be together on Kori's First Birthday. It meant a lot for both me and Jacob to be together on her birthday! So, on Kori's actual birthday, August 1st, we went out to Chuck E. Cheese! Where else would we have gone, it's Jacob's Alma Matter!! We had lots of fun, Kori included. She loved watching the mechanical Chuck E. sing and swing his arms around (because that's all he could do). She ate pizza, had some salad (which of course had fruit in it!), played games, watched Mommy and Daddy play games, and had a ton of fun! Here's some pics of her at Chuck E. Cheese.

And then, on Saturday, August 6th, we celebrated Kori's birthday with the rest of the family. We had dinner and dessert and presents at my parents home. They were gracious enough to let us all over there. We had yummy Lumpia (which is kinda like an eggroll but with ground beef, chicken and shrimp along with the veggies), Kahlua Pork, Rice, Salad, and Fruit. It was so good!!! We opened presents and of course had cake and ice cream. It was fun, but Kori wasn't too happy by the end of it because she was super tired. Oh well, next year will be better right????

The year's past...

I can't believe it's been a year already!!! It's amazing how fast time goes when you have a kid.
It seems like last week that I just had her...

I thought it would be forever before she learned how to hold her head up...

And then before we knew it she was already sitting up on her own!!

Soon she started crawling...

Now she's starting to stand up!!!

It totally shocks me that she's so big already!! We love her to death, and hope to give her a little brother or sister soon! We shall see...